Your website requires a reliable and robust hosting platform to perform well. Hosting service provides servers that store web pages and that are always connected to the internet. Whenever there is a request for a specific web page, the server quickly responds back to the client with the respective page. For this to work seamlessly and quickly the server should be working properly which is ensured by a hosting provider.
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What is Managed WordPress hosting?
Managed WordPress hosting is specifically designed for WordPress websites to give optimum results and best performance. It has servers optimized for WordPress websites which makes the settings and configurations best suitable for these sites. In this type of hosting the client can focus on their business and site’s content while other routine tasks like server maintenance, backups, security, scaling, migration etc. are provided by the hosting provider.
It is ideal for beginners, startups and SMBs where there are limited resources so some of the work load can be shifted to the provider.
Following are some benefits of using a Managed WordPress hosting provider.
Benefits of Using Managed WordPress hosting
Server management
Server management refers to the process of overseeing and maintaining the proper functioning and performance of computer servers within a network. Servers are powerful computers that are dedicated to providing specific services or resources to other computers, known as clients, over a network. They play a crucial role in hosting websites, applications, databases, and various other services that businesses and organizations rely on.
Server management involves a range of tasks and responsibilities, including:
- Installation and Configuration: Setting up the server hardware and software, installing the operating system, and configuring it to meet the specific requirements of the organization.
- Security Management: Implementing security measures to protect the server and the data it holds from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and other security threats.
- Performance Monitoring: Keeping a close eye on server performance metrics such as CPU usage, memory utilization, disk space, network traffic, etc., to ensure the server is running optimally.
- Software Updates and Patch Management: Keeping the server’s operating system, applications, and software up to date with the latest security patches and updates to minimize vulnerabilities.
- Resource Management: Ensuring that server resources are efficiently allocated to various applications and services to maintain stable and reliable performance.
In case of managed hosting, all these tasks are provided by the hosting provider.
Migration support
Migration is a huge task, especially if you have a big website with a lot of traffic. The main challenge is to move the website to the new provider without losing traffic and no or minimum downtime. In the case of managed hosting the task of migration is undertaken by trained support staff. You just need to carry out the launch of a new server with some clicks and provide relevant information and your site will be live. You might also get a WordPress migration plugin also for your website’s easy transfer to the new platform.
24/7/365 Human support
One of the main advantages of a managed hosting provider is that it provides not only support for regular troubleshooting tasks but also for engineering support for tasks like migration, backups, scaling etc. It also provides dedicated support resources in certain cases (however it usually comes in the premium options) It also provides features like liive chat support, private slack channels, land line support. The support is quick and reliable. However this might differ from one hosting provider to the other. So it best to read about the ratings of support services before selecting a hosting service. Even if you have inhouse technical support, having a hosting provider with good support options is a great opportunity.
Security is a major concern for any web application. A number of security options are provided by the managed hosting provider. These are some of the features.
Firewall Protection: Managed hosting providers often include firewall protection to filter and monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic, safeguarding against unauthorized access and potential cyber threats.
- DDoS Protection: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can disrupt services by overwhelming a website or application with traffic. Managed hosting providers may offer DDoS protection to mitigate such attacks and keep services available.
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS): IDPS helps to detect and block malicious activities and intrusion attempts in real-time, ensuring that any unauthorized access is promptly thwarted.
- Security Monitoring and Incident Response: Managed hosting providers typically have security experts who continuously monitor their infrastructure for potential threats. In case of any security incidents, they can respond promptly to contain and mitigate the impact.
- Data Encryption: Encryption ensures that sensitive data is transformed into a coded format during transmission or storage, making it unreadable to unauthorized users.
- Regular Backups and Disaster Recovery: Managed hosting providers often perform regular backups of data, applications, and configurations to facilitate quick recovery in case of data loss or system failure.
- Vulnerability Scanning and Patch Management: Providers may conduct regular vulnerability assessments and apply security patches to the underlying infrastructure and software to keep the environment secure and up to date.
However, do check which of these features are available with your hosting provider. As some providers might not offer all these solutions.
Troubleshooting options
As managed hosting is aimed at getting the clients rid of technical hassles, it has a better and simpler troubleshooting interface. The users can easily walk through the errors and issues and try to resolve them i
Affordable costs
Although the managed hosting is usually costlier than traditional hosting but if you consider the costs of all the services that are provided with the managed hosting provider, then the overall cost is much less. Apart from the cost, it is hassle-free also as you do not have to look after the teams for maintenance, and technical support in fact all is managed under one umbrella. This will not only save the cost but also creates a better environment for you to work on your business tasks.