PDF is one of the most widely used formats which is used for sharing all types of files including PPTs, Excels, Notes, Word, images, and more as it stays static, compressed, and aligned. But there are times when we do not want any particular page to be shared or exist in our PDFs due to privacy concerns, irrelevance, outdated information, or more. And, removing such pages is something in which a lot of people struggle and are in search of the right way to do that. So, to help them in this matter we compiled a complete guide answering “how to remove pages from PDF” which will share different mediums and brief steps of the same.
Table of Contents
How to remove pages from PDF?
Image credits: replicaprinting.com
There are multiple platforms and applications that allow you to easily remove pages from your PDF and to know about them specifically, read the below shared sections.
Method 1. By using Google Chrome
One of the most popular and easy ways of removing pages from PDF is by using Google Chrome. So, to know the steps of the same, follow the below-shared points:
Image credits: coolofiles489.weebly.com
Step 1: First of all, go to files, right-click on your PDF, click on open with, and choose Google Chrome there.
Step 2: Once done, look at the top-right corner of that page and click on the print icon. Doing this will open a printing menu on your screen.
Step 3: After that, you need to set the “destination” of your files as “Save as a PDF.”
Step 4: Now, set the pages field as “custom” range which will by default apply to all the pages. Doing this allows you to select the pages you want in your PDF. So, click on them accordingly and precisely.
Step 5: Once done, click on the save option which is a blue button present at the bottom of the screen. This step will lead you to a pop-up widow.
Step 6: Finally, choose a location or folder where you want your updated PDF to be saved and click on “Save”. However, the default location for saving any document is the “Downloads” folder. And, with this, you are done with eliminating the undesired pages from your PDF file.
Method 2. By using Mac Preview
If you own a Mac laptop and struggling with the removal of pages from your PDF then follow the below-shared steps and get rid of them:
Image credits: 1000logos.net
Step 1: First of all, open the PDF file you want to edit which will by default run in the Preview application of Mac.
Step 2: Once done, press the key “Command + P” to open the print menu.
Step 3: Now, set the “Pages” as Selected Pages in the Sidebar. This action will preset all the pages by default.
Step 4: After that, all you need to do is click on the thumbnails present on the sidebar and select the pages you want to keep in your PDF. Also, make sure to deselect the pages you want to remove.
Step 5: Once done, from the bottom of the menu select the down arrow which is next to PDF. Doing this will open a drop-down list and from there you need to click on “Save as PDF”.
Step 6: Next, look at the bottom of the screen and click on the “print” option which will open a new window.
Step 7: Finally, pick the location or folder where you want to save the new PDF file which is free from unwanted pages, and click on “Save”.
Method 3: By using Windows
One of the other answers to how to remove pages from PDF is through Windows. So, to know the steps specifically, read the below-shared points:
Image credits: knowtive.com
Step 1: First of all open the PDF file in the desired browser.
Step 2: Now, click on “Ctrl + p” to access the Print menu for the selected PDF file.
Step 3: Once done, you need to click on “Destination” which will bring a list of printers available or connected to you.
Step 4: Now from the listed drop-down menu, click on the “Microsoft Print To PDF” option. In case you are not able to see this option then simply go to start, type “turn Windows features on or off”, select the first option, click on the box following Microsoft Print to PDF, and finally select OK.
Step 5: After that, set the “Pages” as a custom option.
Step 6: Now, select only those pages which you want to keep in your PDF.
Step 7: Once done, click on the “Print” option which is present on the bottom of the screen and opens a new window.
Step 8: Finally, choose a location where you want to save your file and then click on “Save”. And, this is how you can remove pages from PDF effortlessly in your Windows system.
Method 4: By using Google Docs
This is one of the easiest and most straightforward ways of removing text as well as pages from a PDF. So, to know how you can do the same, read the below-shared steps:
Image credits: Lulu.com
Step 1: First of all, upload your PDF to your Google Drive account.
Step 2: Once done, click on the three dots icon appearing next to your uploaded PDF file.
Step 3: Now, select the option “Open With” and choose “Google Docs” from there.
Step 4: At this stage, your PDF has become editable and now you just need to select the element you want to remove and press the “Backspace” button.
Step 5: Doing the above-mentioned step correctly will basically delete the text, image, or other elements of that page and make the PDF free from the data you want to eliminate.
Step 6: At last, when you are done with removing pages, simply click on the “File” and from there, select the “Download” option. Make sure to choose “PDF document” as your file format which has the extension .pdf and you are done with the drill.
Method 5: By using PDF Candy
PDF Candy is basically an online PDF editor that does not require any software installment and does the desired tasks in one go. So, to know how you can remove pages from PDF by using PDF candy, read and follow the below-shared steps:
Image credits: g2.com
Step 1: First of all, run the “Delete PDF Pages” tool from your desired browser.
Step 2: Once done, upload your file there from your device or drive by clicking on the “+Add File” option. Apart from this, you can also upload the file by simply dragging and dropping it to the window.
Step 3: Now, you need to either manually select the pages you want to delete by mouse-clicking them or you need to enter the page numbers into the input field.
Step 4: Once you have selected the pages, click on the “delete pages” option.
Step 5: Finally, download your removed pages PDF and you are done with your task.
Method 6: By using a Small PDF
Small PDF is one of the free online tools that allows users to remove unwanted pages from their desired PDFs. So, to know how you can use this platform for fleeting any page, read the below-shared steps:
Image credits: logowik.com
Step 1: First of all, go to the official website of “small pdf delete pages from pdf” in your web browser.
Step 2: Once done, click on the “choose files” option to select the PDF from which you want to delete the page. Apart from this, you can also drag and drop the PDF file to the box available there.
Step 3: After uploading the PDF and clicking on the “open” option, all the pages of the PDF will start displaying in the form of small images.
Step 4: Now, select the page you want to remove from your PDF and click on the trash bin icon popping up on the top-right corner of the screen.
Step 5: After that, click on the “Apply Changes” button which appears on the bottom-right corner of the screen. Doing this will also allow you to see a preview of your final PDF after removing the unwanted pages.
Step 6: At last, click on the “Download” option to save your file in your system and you are done.
Q1. What are the reasons for removing a page from a PDF?
Privacy concerns, irrelevant data, mistakes, and outdated information are some of the most common reasons behind removing pages from a PDF.
Q2. Which are the best online tools for removing pages from PDFs?
Small PDF and PDF Candy are two online tools that allow users to effortlessly remove a number of pages in one go from the desired PDF.
Q3. How to remove pages from PDF?
To remove pages from PDF, you can use different methods as per your convenience. Some of the highly used ways for the same are by using Google Docs, Windows, Mac Previews, Google Chrome, and online tools such as PDF Candy as well as Small PDF.
Above we shared a brief guide answering “how to remove pages from PDF” in which we mentioned the steps of six different ways through which you can complete this task in the most effortless yet quick way. I hope the page helped you and if you still want any further assistance in this matter then do let us know about the same through the comment box mentioned below.